Design Miami is the global forum for design. Each fair brings together the most influential collectors, gallery owners, designers, curators and critics from all over the world to celebrate design culture and commerce. Design Miami over the years has become the main venue for collecting, exhibiting, discussing and creating collectible designs.
This exhibition is much more than a market for design. The world's major galleries come together to present quality exhibitions of 20th and 21st century furniture, lighting objects and art objects.
By continually expanding and enriching its program, Design Miami seeks not only to meet the demand for a high-end design fair, but also to increase awareness of modern and contemporary design, fueling the collectible design market, providing an exciting but accessible destination for collectors.COEX®  has been selected for the VIP Collectors Lounge, at the DesignMiami fair held in Switzerland, setting up this area with totally natural fireproof fabric. The project, designed by the architecture firm Superluna, "A (CON)TEMPORARY HOME" is a space dedicated to people who want to have a conversation, or for having relax within the fair delimited by panels covered with beige cotton made of COEX® .
The panels were designed as a modular steel scaffold and were intended to recreate a welcoming and refined home environment that was also contemporary and comfortable.
The stage was done in collaboration with ETEL, one of the best known Brazilian luxury design companies and Tessitura Enrico Sironi, historic textile company from Gallarate.
The Made of COEX® natural fabric, hypoallergenic and biodegradable, have revolutionized the world of textiles and interior decoration in the sign of a style that rediscovers naturality and well-being without sacrificing protection from fire.