The attributes of “Made of COEX” are safety and nature but they are also the key to healthy and peaceful sleep! Because if we want to sleep well, it is important we feel safe and create “natural” conditions that respect our body clocks.
When we sleep and dream, many things happen, regardless of what we may remember when we wake up. And good sleep regenerates both mind and body. Recent research by the U.S. National Sleep Foundation (on the has identified a number of indicators that define “quality sleep”. Meanwhile, Richard Wiseman, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire and a highly regarded sleep expert, has published a book called Night School: Wake Up to the Power of Sleep, which “teaches” us how to sleep. A sign of our increasing awareness that our psychological and physical wellbeing depends heavily on proper and well-earned rest!
However, as well as good sleep habits, the conditions in our bedrooms need to be right. Do you know if your bedroom set up correctly for the best night’s sleep? Read on to discover some simple and valuable changes you can make in your bedroom. COEX’s specific properties are that it’s natural and safe – it is the only technology that makes its pure plant fibres 100% fireproof – vital for healthier, safer and more restful sleep (as demonstrated by the innovative Studio Micheli project for the prestigious TownHouse Hotels brand in Milan.

Eastern Feng Shui – a discipline that believes in the significance of harmonising our “energy” with the environments we inhabit – teaches us that the ideal bedroom should be located away from the street, the front door and the living room and be separated from the rest of the house by a corridor to ensure peace and tranquillity. Ideally, it should face east in order get the first of the sun’s rays and be the coolest space in the evening. Furthermore, the position of furniture in relation to doorways and openings is important: the bed should be situated away from the door, so as not to feel exposed and to be able to see the entrance; the headboard should face either north or east respectively depending on whether you are looking for either deeper sleep or concentration and an active mind.
It is important that the bedroom is neither too hot nor too cold. Sleep scientists recommend a temperature of approximately 18° C with around 65% humidity. Low temperatures contribute to the body’s natural cooling process and the consequent release of melatonin, “Morpheus’ hormone”, which causes sleep and regulates the biological clock – which produces drowsiness and helps to counteract the aging process of cells and organs – and somatotropin, a growth hormone.
A decent dehumidifier, good ventilation and natural fabrics (organic cotton, hemp or linen bedding, which is hypoallergenic and breathable) also support ideal humidity levels and microclimate.
Cool shades are most suitable for the bedroom: blue, indigo, cyan and green, particularly pastel shades, but not too dark or gloomy. Chromotherapy demonstrates that blue affects the nervous system by lowering the heart rate and blood pressure and deepening breathing. Like cyan, it is associated with calm and tranquillity and acts as a “sedative” for insomnia and anxiety. To complement rest areas, blue shades can add a touch of elegance to window frames. Made of COEX curtains are 100% fireproof offering natural protection!
Meanwhile, Pantone’s Greenery creates a sense of equilibrium: it has a "refreshing" and restorative effect and a positive impact on blood pressure, combating stress and eye fatigue.
When it comes to interior design, as well as Pantone’s Greenery, another current trend is “natural greenery”: plants can provide beauty, oxygen and wellbeing, even in the sleeping area! Needless to say, you need to choose wisely. Sanseveria, for example, is a good humidifier and, despite its small size, produces a large amount of oxygen at night and has a good ability to neutralise the harmful vapours produced by synthetic materials. Although Aloe Vera is good at cleaning the air and oxygenating the environment it does need light, Phalaenopsis Orchids however need little light and are therefore particularly suited to the bedroom.
In our next blog post, we share our recommendations for furniture, accessories and bedding!